The Consequences of Missing Teeth

Our Cosmetic Dentist in Painesville OH Shares Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth

Having one or more teeth missing is never a welcomed situation. But when it’s a tooth that’s not visible when you smile, you might be tempted to think that you can get away without replacing it.

However, not having a missing tooth replaced comes with both mental, as well as physical consequences that can easily be avoided by having your missing teeth replaced. In most cases, having one or more teeth replaced is not as complicated as it sounds, and once it’s done, it will be well worth it in the long run.

Below, we’re going to look at both the mental and physical consequences of missing teeth.

Mental Consequences of Missing Teeth

While most people think of having missing teeth as a physical problem, it can also lead to a whole host of short and long-term mental problems as well.

This is because our society and culture has shed a negative light on those who have missing teeth. Just think about how many movies you’ve seen where the bad guy had missing teeth.

Furthermore, most of us think about our smiles as one of our selling points. Therefore, if we have missing teeth that are visible when we smile, it can seriously affect the way we view ourselves and can end up lowering our self-confidence.

Physical Consequences of Missing Teeth

Aside from the mental effects, missing teeth can also lead to problems inside and outside of your mouth. For starters, teeth next to the missing tooth will always tend to shift towards the gap to try and fill it. In turn, this often leads to a person developing a malocclusion, which is when their teeth do not line up properly.

Not only can a malocclusion cause problems such as crossbites or underbites, it also results in a lot of unnecessary jaw strain, problems chewing, and can even lead to a higher risk of developing tooth decay. In most cases, the only way to remedy a malocclusion is to use braces or orthodontics, which are considerably more expensive than having a single tooth replaced.

Furthermore, missing teeth can contribute to digestive issues. Think about it this way, your teeth are there to help you chew your food to break it down and prepare it to be digested. Therefore, if you’re missing teeth, you might not be chewing your food properly, which can lead to problems such as acid reflux and not being able to properly absorb the nutrients from your food.

Replacing Missing Teeth

Fortunately, there are several options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Whether you go with a dental implant or denture, it’s possible to get your smile back to the way it looked before losing your tooth.

To find out what your options are, make an appointment with our cosmetic dentist in Painesville OH. He or she will be able to recommend the best treatment for you and can refer you to a specialist if need be.