The Importance of Dental Cleanings

Why You Should Keep Up with Your Mentor OH Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are an essential component to achieving a healthy smile. Our professionals at Erieview Dental recommend getting your teeth professionally cleaned every six months to help reduce the harmful effects of plaque and tartar. This is an important step to keep every smile clean, so be sure to schedule an appointment twice per year to keep your smile healthy and beautiful!

When you come in for a dental cleaning, our team will first give your teeth and gums a thorough examination. We will check your teeth and gums for any signs of irritation or sores and take notes for our dentist. We may also take x-rays just to make sure that your entire mouth and facial structure is healthy. We will then clean your smile through the process of scaling. Scaling is the process of removing hardened tartar off of the surface of the teeth. This can only be done using specific tools at our office, so it is essential that you visit us every six months. Our team will then thoroughly floss in between your teeth to remove any remaining debris. Last, we will polish your teeth so they look and feel great. We may follow up your cleaning with a fluoride treatment to provide your smile with an added layer of protection against future dental decay.

Why Just Brushing Isn't Enough

Some people think that just regular brushing and flossing is enough to keep your smile healthy. However, that is not enough to achieve and maintain a healthy smile. Plaque that hardens onto our teeth turns into tartar, which can only be removed through the process of scaling. Tartar that is not removed from your teeth can lead to dental decay and gum disease. Both of these issues can be majorly detrimental to your health, so it is important to remove tartar regularly. We still recommend brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing every night before bed, but no dental care routine is complete without regular Mentor OH dental cleanings.

Protect Your Future Smile

Mentor OH dental cleanings are also a great opportunity for our team to check in on your oral health. Several oral health issues can be developing without your knowledge. Only the trained eye of a dental professional can tell you if you are developing any dental health concerns. During dental cleanings, we are able to fully examine your teeth, gums, facial structure, and even neck. We can let you know about any developing oral health issues that may be starting to develop and recommend treatment before they become serious. The best way to treat a dental health emergency is to prevent one in the first place, so professional examinations are essential for your health. Preventing oral health issues can save you time and money in the long run, so don't skip your regular appointments.

Your Smile Signals Your Health

Gum disease is one of the most common diseases that adults suffer from without even realizing it. Our oral health is directly correlated to our overall wellness, and can be a sign of an underlying health issue. If you suffer from gum disease or dental decay, that may be a sign that you are at risk for a greater health concern. If you are unsure when your last visit to the dentist was, it may be time to pay us a visit. Call our office to schedule your next Mentor OH dental cleaning.