Dental Implants FAQs

Dental Implants FAQs

Dental implants can be an excellent option for any patient who has experienced tooth loss or severe dental decay. While many people understand the benefits of dental implants, they may not know if it would be the right treatment for their smile. Every smile is unique, so our team can help you better understand which dental treatment would best suit your specific needs. Keep reading to learn more about some frequently asked questions, as told by our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH.

Am I eligible for dental implants?

Implants can be an excellent option for any smile that requires restoration, either after experiencing tooth loss or severe dental decay. However, there are some health conditions that may prevent someone from being able to support dental implants. Anyone who has a history of poor oral health, or diseases such as persistent gum disease may not be able to support an implant. Heavy smokers frequently have oral health issues and they are at a higher risk for oral cancer, so they may not benefit from dental implants. Patients with chronic illnesses or diabetes also may not be eligible for dental implants, because their bone strength may be compromised. Anyone going under radiation therapy may need to hold off on oral procedures until they are cleared by their medical professional.

To find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH. Our team can help you better understand your smile needs and find the right treatment for you.

Are dental implants expensive?

Most insurance companies do not cover dental implants, so the procedure can be quite expensive. This is a permanent change to your smile, so it is a large investment upfront. However, dental implants typically don't require many adjustments or repairs as long as they are well taken care of. Investing in dental implants can help you have a healthy and strong smile for life. Other restorative treatments may not be as high quality, or they may need frequent replacements every few years, so the cost of those treatments may add up over time. By choosing to invest in dental implants upfront, you are choosing a higher quality of restoration that can provide you with a strong and secure smile.

Are dental implants better than other restorative treatments?

Dental implants are a preferable method of restorative dentistry due to the fact that they typically last a lifetime.

Dental implants can typically last decades without needing any repairs or restorations. Many patients prefer implants because they become part of your smile over time. Implants fuse to the jaw and act just like natural teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH recommends dental implants for anyone in need of a smile restoration or if someone will be having a tooth extracted. Dental implants look and function just like natural teeth, so they can provide the best method of restoration.

How long do dental implants last?

When taken care of properly, dental implants can last many years. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice per day, and floss before bed. Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to perfect your dental care routine. One your implants are fully installed, you can expect to just maintain your regular dental cleanings every six months with no additional appointments needed. Dental implants can't develop dental decay, but the surrounding teeth and gums can experience oral health issues. That is why it is so important to take excellent care of your entire smile. Clean your implants just as you do your normal teeth so that your entire smile can stay healthy and strong.

What are the benefits of dental implants?
There are so many oral health benefits that come with getting dental implants. Implants look just like natural teeth, and they can be customized to match the exact color of your smile. After tooth loss, surrounding healthy teeth may begin to shift and the jaw may recede because there is no tooth to support. Choosing to incorporate dental implants into your smile can help preserve jaw strength, prevent jaw recession, and help maintain a straight and even smile. Implants can also help to preserve a more youthful appearance by providing extra support to the facial structure.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants, call our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH at (440) 357-1222. Our team can help you understand your smile options so that you can get the healthy, strong, and beautiful smile of your dreams!