Floss Like a Pro: A Guide to Healthier Teeth!

Flossing is a crucial part of dental care that often gets overlooked. Yet, it holds the key to a brighter smile and a healthier life. From the best dentist in Mentor, OH, comes this friendly guide on how to floss your teeth properly and why turning it into a daily habit can be life-changing.

The Art of Flossing

Flossing might seem straightforward, but doing it correctly is essential for its effectiveness. To start, cut a piece of floss about 18 inches long. Wind most of it around one of your middle fingers and the rest around the same finger on the other hand. This will allow you to use a clean segment of floss for each tooth. Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and index fingers and gently guide it between your teeth using a rubbing motion. When the floss reaches your gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth and slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth. Hold the floss firmly against the tooth and move it gently up and down. Repeat this process for each tooth, and don’t forget the back sides of your last molars!

Benefits Beyond the Smile

Why should flossing be a part of your daily routine? The answer goes beyond just keeping your teeth clean. Flossing removes plaque and food particles from places your toothbrush can’t reach. If left unchecked, plaque can harden into tartar, leading to gum disease and other oral health issues. Regular flossing, along with brushing, is your best defense against these problems. Moreover, good oral hygiene practices can also contribute to your overall health by reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Advice from the Best Dentist in Mentor, OH

The best dentist in Mentor, OH, always emphasizes the importance of incorporating flossing into your daily oral hygiene routine. It’s not just about doing it, but doing it right. Remember, gentle movements are key to avoiding harm to your gums. If you find traditional floss hard to use, there are various flossing aids available, like floss picks and water flossers. Choose the one that makes flossing easy and comfortable for you.

Make Flossing a Daily Habit

Incorporating flossing into your daily routine might take some getting used to, but the benefits are well worth the effort. A few minutes spent flossing each day can significantly impact your oral and overall health. Remember, the best dentist in Mentor, OH, recommends daily flossing as an essential step in your oral hygiene routine. Not only does it keep your teeth and gums healthy, but it also contributes to a brighter, fresher smile. Start making flossing a habit today, and your future self will thank you!

Bright Smiles Ahead: The Power of Regular Dental Cleanings

Maintaining a radiant smile and optimal dental health goes beyond the daily routine of brushing and flossing. Regular dental cleanings, especially in Mentor, OH, play a pivotal role in ensuring your oral hygiene is top-notch, even if you're not battling cavities. 

Let's dive into why making those twice-yearly dental appointments is a cornerstone of dental care. 

The Hidden Benefits of Regular Cleanings 

At first glance, dental cleanings might seem like a simple polish for your pearly whites. However, they offer much more. These sessions provide a deep clean that your regular brushing can't achieve.

Over time, plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth, potentially leading to gum disease and tooth loss if left unchecked. Regular cleanings remove these harmful deposits, keeping your gums healthy and your teeth firmly in place. 

Moreover, these appointments allow your dentist to catch potential issues early on. Even if you're diligent with your oral care, problems can arise. Early detection through regular check-ups means easier and less costly treatments. 

Mentor, OH Dental Cleanings: A Local Focus on Global Health 

Why emphasize dental cleanings in Mentor, OH? Local dental practices understand the unique needs and lifestyles of their community.

They're equipped with the latest in dental care technology and techniques to provide thorough cleanings that aim to keep your teeth and gums healthy and contribute to your overall well-being. After all, good oral health is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

A Personalized Approach to Dental Health 

Every mouth is unique, and so are the needs of your teeth and gums. During a cleaning session, dental professionals in Mentor, OH, assess your oral health and can tailor advice and treatments to suit your specific situation.

Whether it's recommending the best type of toothbrush for your gums or suggesting specific dental products, these personalized tips can make a significant difference in your oral hygiene routine. 

The Lasting Impact of Regular Cleanings 

Incorporating twice-yearly dental cleanings into your healthcare routine is more than just a preventive measure against cavities. It's an investment in your overall health. Mentor, OH dental cleanings offer a local solution with a broad impact, ensuring that your smile remains bright and your oral health, impeccable. 

Remember, a clean mouth is not only about looking good; it's about feeling good and staying healthy. So, make sure to book your next cleaning appointment and take a step towards a healthier, happier you. 

Dental Bonding: A Smile's Best Friend in Mentor, OH!

A radiant smile can light up a room, and every Mentor, OH dentist knows the power of a confident grin. But what if minor imperfections hold you back?

Enter dental bonding, a simple yet transformative procedure that could be your ticket to a flawless smile. 

What is Dental Bonding? 

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure where a tooth-colored resin material is applied to a tooth and hardened with a special light. This effectively "bonds" the material to the tooth, improving its appearance. 

It's a quick and cost-effective way to address dental concerns without requiring more invasive treatments. 

The Top Benefits of Dental Bonding 

One of the significant advantages of dental bonding is its simplicity. Most procedures can be completed in one visit, often in under an hour. Plus, anesthesia's typically unnecessary unless it's used to fill a decayed tooth. 

The versatility of dental bonding is another significant benefit. Whether you're looking to fix a chipped tooth, close gaps, or even change the shape of a tooth, dental bonding has got you covered.

Moreover, the resin used in dental bonding is matched to the shade of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless blend. Once bonded, it feels like a regular tooth, allowing you to eat, drink, and speak easily. 

Is Dental Bonding Right for You? A Mentor, OH Dentist's Perspective 

While dental bonding offers numerous benefits, it's essential to determine if it's the right choice for your unique needs.

Ideal candidates for dental bonding have minor cosmetic dental issues like chips, gaps, or discolorations. They might be looking for a cost-effective alternative to veneers or crowns and want a solution requiring minimal tooth enamel removal.

However, other treatments might be more suitable if you have significant dental issues or require a long-lasting solution. It's always best to consult with a trusted Mentor, OH dentist to explore your options. 

Unveiling Your Brightest Smile in Mentor, OH 

Dental bonding is a remarkable procedure that can transform minor imperfections into a dazzling smile. If you're in Mentor, OH, and considering this treatment, remember that the right dentist can make all the difference. With their expertise, you'll be flashing your best smile in no time. 

Are you interested in learning more? Contact us today to get started

Guard Your Grin: The Benefits of Occlusal Night Guards

Many people are unaware that they grind their teeth at night—a condition known as bruxism. Unchecked, it can lead to headaches, jaw discomfort, and even tooth damage. But fear not, there's a simple, effective solution to this issue: occlusal night guards. Today, we're going to delve into why the best dentist in Mentor, OH, and dental practitioners worldwide, can't recommend them enough. 

The Downside of Teeth Grinding 

Nighttime teeth grinding, also known as sleep bruxism, might sound like a minor inconvenience. However, when left unattended, it can develop into a significant oral health concern. It may lead to tooth erosion, increased sensitivity, and potentially irreversible damage to your jaw joint, the TMJ. Moreover, it can cause sleep disturbances, making it harder for you to feel rested and refreshed in the morning. 

Why the Best Dentist in Mentor, OH Recommends Occlusal Night Guards 

To combat the effects of bruxism, many dentists recommend the use of occlusal night guards. But why? To start with, these dental appliances are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly. This tailored approach ensures maximum comfort and effectiveness. The guard acts as a protective layer between your upper and lower teeth, reducing the damage caused by grinding. 

Not only do they protect your teeth, but these guards can also help alleviate associated symptoms. Many patients report experiencing fewer morning headaches and reduced jaw discomfort after starting to use occlusal night guards. Additionally, the guards help prevent more severe long-term problems, such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). 

An Investment in Your Oral Health 

The idea of wearing a night guard may seem intimidating at first. However, consider it as an investment in your oral health and overall well-being. The guard protects your teeth, saves you from potential discomfort, and can prevent expensive restorative procedures in the future. 

Additionally, getting a night guard is a straightforward process. After a thorough consultation and examination, your dentist takes impressions of your teeth. These impressions are used to create a guard that fits your mouth perfectly. It's a simple step that can bring significant relief and peace of mind. 

The Wise Choice for Teeth Grinders 

In conclusion, if you or someone you know grinds their teeth, speaking to the best dentist in Mentor, OH about an occlusal night guard could be a game-changer. 

This small dental device can not only save your teeth from unnecessary damage but can also drastically improve your quality of sleep and life. Don't let something as preventable as bruxism take a toll on your health—take the necessary steps to guard your grin today and schedule an appointment with us!  

Happy Gums, Happy Life: Tips for Achieving Healthy Gums

Having healthy gums is a crucial aspect of overall oral health. Not only do healthy gums provide a strong foundation for your teeth, but they also help protect your mouth from harmful bacteria that can lead to gum disease and other oral health issues. As a Painesville, OH dentist, I've seen firsthand the benefits of healthy gums and the consequences of neglecting them. In this blog post, I'll share some tips on how to achieve and maintain healthy gums.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

One of the most important things you can do for your gums is to practice good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash to kill bacteria. When brushing, be sure to use a soft-bristled brush and gentle circular motions to avoid irritating your gums.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Your diet can also have a significant impact on your gum health. Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help strengthen your gums and promote overall oral health. Foods like leafy greens, berries, nuts, and lean protein are all great choices for a healthy smile.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining healthy gums. Your dentist can identify early signs of gum disease and other oral health issues, and provide treatment before they become more serious. During your visit, your dentist will also perform a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar buildup that may be contributing to gum inflammation.

Schedule an Appointment With Your Plainesville, OH Dentist

Achieving healthy gums requires a combination of good oral hygiene, a healthy diet, and regular dental visits. By taking care of your gums, you can improve your overall oral health and reduce your risk of gum disease and other oral health issues.

If you're due for a dental check-up or have concerns about your gum health, be sure to schedule an appointment with your Painesville, OH dentist today.

3 Simple Flossing Tips From the Best Dentist in Mentor, OH 

Flossing your teeth is integral for your dental health because there is no other effective way to clean between your teeth. You’re at a higher risk for gingivitis, requiring more gum treatments if you refrain from flossing. If you find that you have bad breath and cavities even after brushing your teeth twice a day, this reason could be because you’re not flossing.  

Keep reading for three simple flossing tips from the best dentist in Mentor, OH!  

Use Different Tools 

Many people struggle with flossing because it can be hard to fit waxed floss between tightly packed teeth. Some people may also struggle to hold the floss in their hands and manipulate it around their mouths. For this reason, we recommend trying a variety of flossing tools until you find one that works perfectly for your unique teeth and mouth.  

Here are a few different kinds:  

  • Water flossers 

  • Floss picks 

  • Dental tape 

  • Waxed vs unwaxed floss 

  • And more 

Tools such as water flossers are also great options if you have braces.  

Set Manageable Goals 

If you haven’t flossed your teeth in years, starting with a goal to floss your teeth once every day may easily burn you out. Instead, start with a more manageable goal, such as once every other day or even once a week. Once this becomes easy for you, expand your goal to once every day.  

Keep in mind that you don’t have to floss your teeth in the evening if you frequently find yourself exhausted. Try flossing your teeth in the morning or afternoon instead!  

Make It Accessible 

Lastly, make flossing easier for you by placing floss in areas where you frequently hang out in your home, such as by your couch. You can even add floss to your car or in your office. This is because the more you see it, the more you’re reminded to floss your teeth that day. You’ll find that it might even be easier to floss your teeth while you’re watching television instead of in the bathroom.  

Schedule an Appointment With the Best Dentist in Mentor, OH 

Start flossing more frequently! You’ll be rewarded with fresher breath, reduced cavities, and an increased confidence in your smile. Of course, don’t forget to schedule twice-yearly appointments with the best dentist in Mentor, OH as well. We’ll clean your teeth, apply fluoride and sealants if necessary, and provide you with more flossing tips that are catered to your teeth.  

Schedule an appointment with us today!  

What are the Signs of a Great Plainesville, OH Dentist?

If you’re looking for a new dentist, take some time to consider the qualities they offer so that you can ensure you’re getting the best service and dental healthcare possible. Although it may take extra time, you’ll be well-rewarded with a quality dentist that helps you feel comfortable.  

Keep reading to learn some top signs of a great Plainesville, OH dentist! 

Positive Testimonials 

Beyond word-of-mouth references, reading online reviews is a great way to determine whether you’ll visit a high-quality, experienced dentist. 

Take some time to read the reviews—a good indication that they’re genuine is if most of them leave specific details about their visit, such as hygienists that left a positive impression or the support a dentist gave them during a procedure.  

Before and After Gallery 

Suppose you want to get cosmetic dentistry done or any kind of smile restoration. In that case, your dentist must offer a before and after gallery. This can show you firsthand how much experience they have with people who had the same issues as you with their smiles.   

You’ll also see how skillful they were when it comes to certain cosmetic procedures that you’re interested in. For instance, if you want teeth whitening, do the before and after photos show a significant difference for the patient?  

Empathetic Professionals 

Lastly, quality dentists are empathetic and talented communicators. They’ll strive to help you feel as comfortable as possible during your appointment, especially if you suffer from dental anxiety.   

Dentists who are good communicators will take the time to explain procedures to you, answer all your questions to the best of their ability, and get to know you. Then, by considering your dental history and smile goals, they’ll customize treatment options for you.  

Schedule an Appointment with Your Favorite Plainesville, OH Dentist 

Great dentists are excellent communicators and offer smile galleries as proof of their experience. Most importantly, you’ll get a sense of their quality through their online reviews—take time to ensure that they’re genuine by seeing if people left details and look for dentists with a four-star rating and up.  

Ready to schedule an appointment with a quality Plainesville, OH dentist who cares? Contact us today to get started!  

Three Easy Dental Hygiene Tips

Consistency matters when it comes to your dental hygiene routine. The more consistent you are, the less you have to worry about tooth decay, cavities, gingivitis, and more. You’ll also be able to avoid costly procedures at the dentist and pain.

However, it can be hard to know where to start. So keep reading to learn three easy dental hygiene tips from our Mentor, OH dentist!

Use the Right Brushing Technique

Remember that your dental hygiene won’t improve if you’re not using the proper technique while brushing! Focus on brushing for a whole two minutes to remove plaque and food debris thoroughly.

You’ll also want to hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, focusing on making small circles at the front of your teeth, bite surfaces, and the back.

Choose the Right Brush

You’ll find that most dentists recommend you use a soft-bristled brush–stiffer bristles have the chance of damaging your enamel and gums, especially if you brush for the whole two minutes.

Make sure to change your brush when you notice the bristles bending and warping or every three months. This ensures that your toothbrush is constantly cleaning your teeth efficiently and effectively.

Don’t Forget Your Tongue

Many people mistake skipping their tongue when it’s time to brush their teeth. However, your tongue harbors as much harmful bacteria as your teeth, which can also contribute to bad breath.

After you’re done brushing, you can use your toothbrush on your tongue. You can also use a tongue scraper; start at the back of your tongue and drag it to the front. Then rinse it off and repeat this motion.

You only have to do this a few times to enjoy a clean tongue!

Schedule an Appointment with Our Mentor OH Dentist Today

Of course, no dental routine is complete without regularly scheduled cleanings with your favorite Mentor OH dentist. Dentists can discover issues with your teeth before they become severe and require invasive procedures.

They’ll also scrape tartar, remove plaque, and apply fluoride so that your teeth are less prone to cavities for the next six months.

Ready to schedule your appointment? Contact us today!

3 Top Benefits of a Mentor OH Dentist

Did you know that 26 percent of adults aged 20 to 64 are suffering from untreated tooth decay? This is just one of the reasons why finding a reliable dentist in your area is important. However, it’s not the only reason.  

Keep reading to learn about our top three benefits of finding a Mentor, OH dentist today!  

Detect Oral Cancer Early 

Some signs of early oral cancer are subtle, such as sores that don’t heal and white patches on your gums. When we brush our teeth and floss, we’re normally not examining our mouths.  

However, going to the dentist twice a year enables your dentist and hygienists to check your mouth for early signs of cancer.  

Here are a few other signs:  

  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing 

  • Difficulty moving your tongue or jaw 

  • Sudden weight loss 

  • Tenderness, pain, or lumps in the mouth or on your lips 

The earlier you detect oral cancer, the easier it is to treat!  

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease 

Getting regular dental cleanings from your dentist doesn’t just give you a confident smile and a healthy mouth. It also helps reduce your chances of getting heart disease.  

This is because regular cleaning helps reduce harmful bacteria in your mouth that can cause inflammation in your body. The less inflammation you have, the more your blood vessels can function properly.  

It’s important to keep in mind that inflammation contributes to a large variety of other diseases, so it helps you to focus on reducing it as much as you can.  

Prevent Tooth Loss 

Last but not least, visiting a dentist regularly means that you’re protecting your teeth into the future. Gingivitis, or gum disease, slowly weakens your gums as well as your bones anchoring your teeth. Without treatment, this can lead to teeth that feel loose and eventually fall out on their own. 

Tooth decay and trauma are also common causes of tooth loss. However, if you know a reputable dentist in your area, they’ll strive to help you save your permanent teeth as much as they can.  

Find a Reputable Mentor OH Dentist Today 

There are many more reasons why finding a dentist in your area will benefit your life. If you take the time to find an experienced one, you’ll find that the process goes smoothly from the moment you step into the office to the moment that you leave.  

 Ready to set up an initial appointment? Contact us today to get started or call us at 440-357-1222!

What to Expect When Getting a Root Canal Done

The term ‘root canal’ is difficult to hear, even though they’re safe, effective, and popular solutions to dental problems. So why does this procedure make people nervous? With today’s technological advances in pain management, a root canal treatment in Painesville OH has never been safer or more painless.


Before the Procedure

            There isn’t much you need to do to get ready for your root canal. In some instances, you may need to avoid eating for some time before, and you may need someone to drive you home. In those instances, our practice will instruct you on what to do beforehand so you can be prepared.


During the Procedure

            During the root canal, you shouldn’t feel any pain at all. You’ll be able to sit back and relax as our office works diligently to correct your tooth. Root canals don’t usually take longer than an hour. Normally a local anesthetic is enough to make sure you don’t feel a thing.


After the Procedure

            Afterward, you might have a little discomfort from the root canal but you can easily manage that discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief medicine. Along with a pain reliever, applying an ice pack to your cheek is also acceptable to minimize inflammation and aching.

            Once you’re done with the procedure so long as you did not receive any kind of sedative you will be able to return to your daily routine, though it would be understandable if you took the rest of the day to relax.


Learn more about root canal treatments in Painesville OH by scheduling a consultation with our cosmetic dentist! You can book your next visit by calling our office at (440) 357-1222 or by filling out a contact request form directly on our site. We look forward to helping you get your healthiest smile!

Lift Tooth Discoloration with Whitening Treatments

Tooth discoloration occurs naturally, but it doesn't always have to be permanent. There are so many options available to improve the color and appearance of your teeth. Our office currently offers two methods of teeth whitening, professional whitening and home whitening kits. Both of these options are a great way to enhance your natural smile in a short period of time. Our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH will help you identify which type of whitening treatment would be best for your unique smile goals. Schedule a smile consultation to learn more about teeth whitening treatments!

In-office whitening treatments are by far the most effective way to improve the color of your smile. This type of cosmetic dentistry treatment can lift discoloration by about 8-10 shades in as little as one hour. In-office whitening treatments use a highly concentrated peroxide gel and special laser to quicken the whitening process. This laser will activate the bleaching agent in the peroxide gel so that discoloration can be lifted more efficiently.

Professional whitening treatments are best suited for anyone with mild to moderate tooth discoloration. Many shades of tooth discoloration can be lightened with professional whitening treatments, but it may not work for every type of discoloration. Yellow and slightly brown discoloration can be lightened by several shades in just one visit. Grey or lavender shades can not be lightened because it may actually be an indication of an oral health issue. This type of tooth discoloration could be due to a deep cavity, infection, or even tooth death.

To find out if your tooth discoloration can be lightened with professional whitening, schedule a consultation with our Mentor OH cosmetic dentist.

Another great option to whiten your smile is at home whitening kits. These whitening kits gradually lift discoloration by about 4-5 shades over the course of about two weeks. Whitening kits can be used on their own or they can be used with professional whitening treatments to achieve the best possible results. Many patients choose whitening kits because they offer a more flexible treatment experience for a more affordable price.

Our Mentor cosmetic dentist offers professional level whitening kits that are more effective than traditional whitening kits you can buy over the counter. This treatment would be best for anyone who only has mild discoloration. It can also be a great choice for patients with sensitive teeth. In office whitening treatments are safe for your smile, but they may also cause some sensitivity after treatment. If you would like to learn more about whitening kits, talk to our team at Erieview Dental.

To help combat daily tooth staining, we recommend using whitening toothpaste daily. Whitening toothpaste won’t make a dramatic change in your smile's color, but it will help to prevent further discoloration. Some mouthwashes also have whitening properties that help prevent further tooth discoloration. You should also stay up to date with regular dental cleanings to maintain your healthy smile. Discoloration increases if you do not take good care of your teeth and gums, so follow a proper dental hygiene routine. Tobacco use and frequent alcohol consumption also increase tooth discoloration. Follow a healthy nutritious diet, brush your teeth twice per day, floss every night, and have your teeth cleaned by a professional every six months. Maintaining your healthy smile will help to keep your teeth white and bright!

Learn more about the many benefits of teeth whitening treatments by scheduling a smile consultation with our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH at Erieview Dental! You can book your next visit by calling our office at (440) 357-1222 or by filling out a contact request form directly on our site. We look forward to helping you achieve the white and bright smile of your dreams, so call our team today!

Dental Implants FAQs

Dental Implants FAQs

Dental implants can be an excellent option for any patient who has experienced tooth loss or severe dental decay. While many people understand the benefits of dental implants, they may not know if it would be the right treatment for their smile. Every smile is unique, so our team can help you better understand which dental treatment would best suit your specific needs. Keep reading to learn more about some frequently asked questions, as told by our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH.

Am I eligible for dental implants?

Implants can be an excellent option for any smile that requires restoration, either after experiencing tooth loss or severe dental decay. However, there are some health conditions that may prevent someone from being able to support dental implants. Anyone who has a history of poor oral health, or diseases such as persistent gum disease may not be able to support an implant. Heavy smokers frequently have oral health issues and they are at a higher risk for oral cancer, so they may not benefit from dental implants. Patients with chronic illnesses or diabetes also may not be eligible for dental implants, because their bone strength may be compromised. Anyone going under radiation therapy may need to hold off on oral procedures until they are cleared by their medical professional.

To find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH. Our team can help you better understand your smile needs and find the right treatment for you.

Are dental implants expensive?

Most insurance companies do not cover dental implants, so the procedure can be quite expensive. This is a permanent change to your smile, so it is a large investment upfront. However, dental implants typically don't require many adjustments or repairs as long as they are well taken care of. Investing in dental implants can help you have a healthy and strong smile for life. Other restorative treatments may not be as high quality, or they may need frequent replacements every few years, so the cost of those treatments may add up over time. By choosing to invest in dental implants upfront, you are choosing a higher quality of restoration that can provide you with a strong and secure smile.

Are dental implants better than other restorative treatments?

Dental implants are a preferable method of restorative dentistry due to the fact that they typically last a lifetime.

Dental implants can typically last decades without needing any repairs or restorations. Many patients prefer implants because they become part of your smile over time. Implants fuse to the jaw and act just like natural teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH recommends dental implants for anyone in need of a smile restoration or if someone will be having a tooth extracted. Dental implants look and function just like natural teeth, so they can provide the best method of restoration.

How long do dental implants last?

When taken care of properly, dental implants can last many years. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice per day, and floss before bed. Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to perfect your dental care routine. One your implants are fully installed, you can expect to just maintain your regular dental cleanings every six months with no additional appointments needed. Dental implants can't develop dental decay, but the surrounding teeth and gums can experience oral health issues. That is why it is so important to take excellent care of your entire smile. Clean your implants just as you do your normal teeth so that your entire smile can stay healthy and strong.

What are the benefits of dental implants?
There are so many oral health benefits that come with getting dental implants. Implants look just like natural teeth, and they can be customized to match the exact color of your smile. After tooth loss, surrounding healthy teeth may begin to shift and the jaw may recede because there is no tooth to support. Choosing to incorporate dental implants into your smile can help preserve jaw strength, prevent jaw recession, and help maintain a straight and even smile. Implants can also help to preserve a more youthful appearance by providing extra support to the facial structure.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants, call our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH at (440) 357-1222. Our team can help you understand your smile options so that you can get the healthy, strong, and beautiful smile of your dreams!

Preventing a Dental Emergency

Not all dental emergencies can be prevented, but you can take steps to help protect your oral health. Some dental emergencies can be attributed to a lack of proper dental hygiene, poor nutrition, or even medications that can harm our smile. Our Mentor OH dentist has some simple tips that you can follow to help protect your smile and prevent dental emergencies. Keep reading to learn more about how you can keep your smile healthy and happy!

Take Good Care of Your Smile

You need to take excellent care of your smile to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Failure to properly care for your smile can leave you vulnerable to a wide range of oral health issues that can quickly escalate into dental emergencies if not addressed and corrected. Our Mentor OH dentist recommends brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing every night before bed, and rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash. This will ensure that your smile stays clean day-to-day.


Visit Our Office Every Six Months

You need to have your smile professionally cleaned every six months to remove built up tartar from your smile. Plaque hardens into tartar and can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Tartar can only be removed by a professional, so you need to get a thorough dental cleaning at least twice per year. This also gives our team a chance to thoroughly examine your teeth and gums, as well as take x-rays if need be. Some oral health issues are not recognizable to the untrained eye, so you need to make sure that our Mentor OH dentist is able to give you a proper check-up twice per year. Proper dental care is an essential step in preventing dental emergencies such as severe tooth decay, periodontitis, cavities, and dental abscesses.

Wear a Mouthguard

Mouthguards help protect your smile from accidental injury, such as in high-contact sports. If you have the option to wear facial protection like a mask or a mouthguard, you absolutely should. Facial injuries are so common, and they can pose a serious risk to your dental health. Not only can they be incredibly painful, they can also be very expensive to fix. Knocking out a tooth, chipping a tooth, or injuring your mouth can all be very stressful and painful to deal with. Avoid this injury by wearing protection during contact sports. 

Don't Treat Your Teeth as Tools

Some people think that their teeth are invincible and can open bottles, containers, and bags. This is not true, and it puts your dental health at risk! Using your teeth to open containers or chew on hard foods like popcorn kernels can lead you to break a tooth! Breaking a tooth is a serious dental emergency and requires immediate attention, so avoid that incident by not using your teeth as tools. If you need help opening something, simply ask someone to help you. Treat your teeth with respect or else you may regret it later.

The Importance of Dental Cleanings

Why You Should Keep Up with Your Mentor OH Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are an essential component to achieving a healthy smile. Our professionals at Erieview Dental recommend getting your teeth professionally cleaned every six months to help reduce the harmful effects of plaque and tartar. This is an important step to keep every smile clean, so be sure to schedule an appointment twice per year to keep your smile healthy and beautiful!

When you come in for a dental cleaning, our team will first give your teeth and gums a thorough examination. We will check your teeth and gums for any signs of irritation or sores and take notes for our dentist. We may also take x-rays just to make sure that your entire mouth and facial structure is healthy. We will then clean your smile through the process of scaling. Scaling is the process of removing hardened tartar off of the surface of the teeth. This can only be done using specific tools at our office, so it is essential that you visit us every six months. Our team will then thoroughly floss in between your teeth to remove any remaining debris. Last, we will polish your teeth so they look and feel great. We may follow up your cleaning with a fluoride treatment to provide your smile with an added layer of protection against future dental decay.

Why Just Brushing Isn't Enough

Some people think that just regular brushing and flossing is enough to keep your smile healthy. However, that is not enough to achieve and maintain a healthy smile. Plaque that hardens onto our teeth turns into tartar, which can only be removed through the process of scaling. Tartar that is not removed from your teeth can lead to dental decay and gum disease. Both of these issues can be majorly detrimental to your health, so it is important to remove tartar regularly. We still recommend brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing every night before bed, but no dental care routine is complete without regular Mentor OH dental cleanings.

Protect Your Future Smile

Mentor OH dental cleanings are also a great opportunity for our team to check in on your oral health. Several oral health issues can be developing without your knowledge. Only the trained eye of a dental professional can tell you if you are developing any dental health concerns. During dental cleanings, we are able to fully examine your teeth, gums, facial structure, and even neck. We can let you know about any developing oral health issues that may be starting to develop and recommend treatment before they become serious. The best way to treat a dental health emergency is to prevent one in the first place, so professional examinations are essential for your health. Preventing oral health issues can save you time and money in the long run, so don't skip your regular appointments.

Your Smile Signals Your Health

Gum disease is one of the most common diseases that adults suffer from without even realizing it. Our oral health is directly correlated to our overall wellness, and can be a sign of an underlying health issue. If you suffer from gum disease or dental decay, that may be a sign that you are at risk for a greater health concern. If you are unsure when your last visit to the dentist was, it may be time to pay us a visit. Call our office to schedule your next Mentor OH dental cleaning.

The Consequences of Missing Teeth

Our Cosmetic Dentist in Painesville OH Shares Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth

Having one or more teeth missing is never a welcomed situation. But when it’s a tooth that’s not visible when you smile, you might be tempted to think that you can get away without replacing it.

However, not having a missing tooth replaced comes with both mental, as well as physical consequences that can easily be avoided by having your missing teeth replaced. In most cases, having one or more teeth replaced is not as complicated as it sounds, and once it’s done, it will be well worth it in the long run.

Below, we’re going to look at both the mental and physical consequences of missing teeth.

Mental Consequences of Missing Teeth

While most people think of having missing teeth as a physical problem, it can also lead to a whole host of short and long-term mental problems as well.

This is because our society and culture has shed a negative light on those who have missing teeth. Just think about how many movies you’ve seen where the bad guy had missing teeth.

Furthermore, most of us think about our smiles as one of our selling points. Therefore, if we have missing teeth that are visible when we smile, it can seriously affect the way we view ourselves and can end up lowering our self-confidence.

Physical Consequences of Missing Teeth

Aside from the mental effects, missing teeth can also lead to problems inside and outside of your mouth. For starters, teeth next to the missing tooth will always tend to shift towards the gap to try and fill it. In turn, this often leads to a person developing a malocclusion, which is when their teeth do not line up properly.

Not only can a malocclusion cause problems such as crossbites or underbites, it also results in a lot of unnecessary jaw strain, problems chewing, and can even lead to a higher risk of developing tooth decay. In most cases, the only way to remedy a malocclusion is to use braces or orthodontics, which are considerably more expensive than having a single tooth replaced.

Furthermore, missing teeth can contribute to digestive issues. Think about it this way, your teeth are there to help you chew your food to break it down and prepare it to be digested. Therefore, if you’re missing teeth, you might not be chewing your food properly, which can lead to problems such as acid reflux and not being able to properly absorb the nutrients from your food.

Replacing Missing Teeth

Fortunately, there are several options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Whether you go with a dental implant or denture, it’s possible to get your smile back to the way it looked before losing your tooth.

To find out what your options are, make an appointment with our cosmetic dentist in Painesville OH. He or she will be able to recommend the best treatment for you and can refer you to a specialist if need be.

Choose Composite Fillings

When people think of having restorations done, they often think of dentures or crowns, but many people just need the use of fillings. They are great for most cavities and don’t require a lot of work. There’s also virtually no recovery period and the cost is much lower than other restorative options. Here’s what you want to know about composite fillings from your best dentists in Mentor OH!

How Do Cavities Form?

The holes that form in the teeth are decay and often referred to as cavities. They are caused by the acids and sugars that eat the dental enamel away. To prevent them, brushing twice a day and flossing every day is essential. Even after proper oral hygiene, some people still struggle with cavities.

Composite Fillings to the Rescue

Filings are a common procedure at Erieview Dental, especially ones made from composite resin. There are several advantages to using these over the silver amalgam options:

· They don’t contain any mercury.
· The tooth-colored design allows them to look like natural teeth.
· They don’t expand or contract with the temperature changes like the metal fillings.
· Because of the construction, the tooth isn’t vulnerable to bacteria and causing an infection.
· The material is solid and durable.

With help from your best dentist in Mentor OH, you can also achieve a beautiful looking mouth thanks to composite fillings. There’s no need to worry about people seeing your fillings every time you smile; you’ll be the only one that knows they are there.

The procedure isn’t any more complicated than having metal fillings put in and generally doesn’t require the use of any anesthesia. Composite fillings are just one step in the process of dental restorations. They also work great with other procedures if you need them.

Schedule a comprehensive evaluation with your best dentists in Mentor OH here at Erieview Dental to determine how to create a more beautiful smile. Call our office today at (440) 357-1222 to schedule the best date and time for your visit.

A Look at Chipped Teeth

Cosmetic Dentist in Painesville OH Discusses Why You Should Fix a Chipped Tooth

The enamel that covers your teeth is known to be one of the strongest substances in the entire human body. Still, that does not mean that your tooth enamel is completely invulnerable.

While enamel is strong, all it takes is a single blow, or simply biting into something the wrong way, and you can easily chip one of your pearly whites. Furthermore, any damage done to your tooth enamel is permanent and cannot be replaced.

In most cases, chipping or cracking a tooth will leave you with a jagged area in your mouth, which can often be sharp, painful and can cause more damage if left untreated. Our cosmetic dentist in Painesville OH wants our patients to learn more about chipped teeth, the next steps, and why it's important to treat.

What Can Cause Chipped Teeth?

Chipped teeth can be caused by any number of factors. However, they are mostly caused by a person biting into a hard substance such as candy or ice.

Aside from that, teeth can be chipped when a person experiences an accident, say a fall which causes trauma to their mouth.

Other common causes of chipped teeth include contact sports being played without a mouth guard and people who grind their teeth in their sleep.

Risk Factors

There are many factors that can put your teeth at risk of being chipped. Some of these factors may include the following.

· Bruxism – This is when a person consistently clenches their jaw or grinds their teeth. Over time, this constant grinding can wear away the enamel leaving your teeth at a greater risk of chipping.
· Acidic Foods – Acid producing foods such as coffee, wine, and fruit juices can break down enamel and weaken the integrity of your teeth.
· Tooth Decay – Tooth decay and cavities will also weaken the structure of a tooth.
· Poor Diet – People who do not consume a healthy diet are much likelier to chip or crack their teeth.

Treating a Chipped Tooth

There are many different approaches that your cosmetic dentist in Painesville OH can take when trying to determine how to treat or chipped or cracked tooth. Treatment will depend entirely on the location of the chipped tooth, as well as the severity.

In most cases, your dentist will be able to repair a broken or chipped tooth by using a simple procedure known as bonding. He or she will simply use a composite resin and “sculpt” the part of your tooth that has been broken off.

Another common treatment for a chipped tooth is for our dentist to install a dental crown. In this case, we’ll fix a tooth-shaped crown to the broken tooth, giving it the appearance of being a whole tooth.

In the most severe cases, you may have to undergo more intensive procedures to treat your chipped tooth. This may involve having the chipped tooth removed entirely and then replaced with an implant, bridge or another type of denture.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment at Erieview Dental, call our office today at (440) 357-1222.

Sleep Patterns Noticed by Your Dentist

When you head to your general dentistry in Mentor OH, the last thing you expect is for them to understand your sleep patterns based on your teeth, but we can. Here’s what we're able to tell just by examining your mouth.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Most people don’t even realize that they grind their teeth. When the dentist examines their mouth, they see signs such as broken teeth or worn-out surfaces. We also look for symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Many people who grind their teeth find that OSA is actually their issue.

There are more than 70 varieties of sleep disorders. OSA is one that falls into the category of Sleep Disordered Breathing. This means you aren’t allowed to cycle through the sleep stages naturally.

OSA acts like a bunch of obstacles blocking your sleep patterns. Your airway becomes obstructed and you cease breathing. This happens when the tongue, mouth or throat relax and block the airway.  When you start to relax, your throat doesn’t have the tension it needs to keep your airway open. To counteract this, the brain tells your mouth to gnash your jaws together. This process occurs several times throughout your night, leaving you tired and your teeth worn-out.

What are the Risk Factors?

You have more of a chance of suffering from OSA if you are:

· Overweight
· A snorer
· A back-sleeper
· Have an unusual anatomy of your throat and neck

Symptoms of OSA

Here are some of the most common symptoms:

· Daytime sleepiness
· Fatigue
· Grinding your teeth
· Irritability
· Weight gain
· Headaches in the morning
  Sore throats
· Snoring

Treating OSA

Your level of OSA might be mild, moderate or severe. Numerous treatments handle all these levels. Some of them are:

· Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine
· Oral Appliances
· Surgery

Your dentist wants you to be healthy which is why they keep an eye on your dental care and sleep patterns. Here at Erieview Dental, your general dentistry in Mentor OH has occlusal night guards, which can help you keep from grinding your teeth when you sleep and give you the proper open airways so you can avoid another restless night.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, simply give us a call at (440) 357-1222 and we'll be happy to help.

5 Tips for Brushing Your Teeth

The basics of brushing your teeth are common knowledge to practically everyone. We all know that you should brush twice a day and that we should be brushing for at least 2 full minutes. However, many of us have no idea how long we’re supposed to wait after a meal before brushing. Let’s look at a few tips that can help you improve your brushing technique so that you can maintain a healthier and brighter smile, thanks to our general dentistry in Mentor OH, Erieview Dental.


Switch Where You Begin Brushing

Many dentists will tell you that most people always start brushing their teeth in the same spot. This means that by the time you reach the last part of your teeth, you could end up paying less attention to it. It is recommended to try to always start brushing at a different spot. This will ensure that you’ll get your entire smile every time it comes to brushing.


Wait to Brush After Eating a Meal

Due to the acids and sugars present in the foods we eat, we can cause damage to our teeth by brushing too soon after eating a meal. After eating, the pH-levels can fluctuate, which means that there can be more acid present. In turn, brushing too soon can be abrasive on our enamel and cause more harm than anything.


Brush Your Teeth Gently

Many of us brush our teeth first thing in the morning before running out the front door to make it to your job on time. In our haste, we often brush our teeth too quickly and too vigorously. This can be harmful and can cause our enamel to wear away. Also, it can cause our gum line to begin receding, which can cause other problems later down the line.

Be gentle on your teeth when you brush and use small circular motions, as opposed to a frantic back and forth motion. One thing to keep in mind is to check and see if your toothbrush bristles are bending while you are brushing. If they are, you’re brushing too hard and need to dial it down a notch.


Pay Attention to Your Molars and the Inside of Your Teeth

While this may seem like common sense, many of us tend to brush the fronts of our teeth more than the back. After all, the front of our smile is what the world sees. However, try to pay close attention to where you’re brushing and don’t forget your molars, as well as the inside of your teeth.


The Two-Minute Brush

Although most of us have already heard that you’re supposed to brush your teeth for at least two minutes, many of us still don’t brush for quite that long. One good tip is to turn the faucet off while brushing since having the water running can lead us to sub-consciously try and finish the job faster. Another good idea is to listen to music while brushing. Listening to a song from beginning to end while brushing ensures that you’ll have brushed for at least 2 to 3 minutes.


Any other questions about caring for your smile? Contact our general dentistry in Mentor OH today by calling (440) 357-1222.

Your Teeth Whitening Options

If you're like most people, you are actively searching for ways to whiten and brighten your smile. It’s one of the fastest ways to improve the way your smile looks and increase confidence. Whitening is a great option for many patients, but there are varying methods available to achieve results, and our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH can help.

In-Office Tooth Whitening

When your teeth are whitened by a professional like Dr. Greenfield and Dr. Thomas, they can appear brighter and more vibrant in less time. The whitening solution we use is stronger than the kits you buy for home use. It will also be used with a heat lamp or light which brings more dramatic results. Keep in mind that most insurance plans don’t cover whitening procedures, so this option will be cost effective.

At Home Tooth Whitening

If you want to whiten your teeth in the privacy of your home, there are several avenues you can pursue:

• Whitening Gels or Strips – These peroxide-based products are available over-the-counter and are applied to your teeth. They normally come as a thin strip or you’ll receive a brush for application. Most often, you’ll use them once or twice a day for up to a couple weeks.

Tray-Based – You can either get this from our office or as an over-the-counter product. To use, just place the peroxide gel in the tray and then wear it for about an hour. This can take up to four weeks before you feel satisfied with the results.

Toothpaste – There are many toothpaste varieties that remove surface stains, but you can also find whitening toothpaste designed to do more. They contain chemical agents or polishes to remove the stains more effectively. Unlike a bleaching product, this won’t actually change the overall color of your teeth. It only removes the stains.

Keeping Your Smile White

Once you’ve finished whitening your teeth, you’ll want to ensure the shine continues. Follow these tips for your best chance of success:

• Brush your teeth twice a day
• Floss every day
•  Visit our office for checkups and cleanings twice each year
• Eat nutritious foods
• Avoid smoking, coffee, tea or anything else that will stain your teeth

It’s not abnormal to want a beautiful, white smile but you must do it with safety in mind. Consult first with our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH about what options are best for you. This will ensure that everything is done properly so you can enjoy a healthy set of pearly whites.