Diabetes and Dental Health

Did you know that you are at a higher risk of dental issues if you have diabetes? That’s why it is so important to protect your smile. Below, your general dentistry in Mentor OH put together some ideas to help you have a healthier mouth.

Connection Between Diabetes and Your Dental Health

It’s possible for anyone to suffer from dental problems, but those with diabetes seem to have more problems with their gums and teeth than healthier patients. Dental diseases begin with plaque buildup on the teeth. When left untreated, this plaque leads to tooth decay, gum disease, and swollen gums.

High glucose levels, which diabetics struggle with, cause this plaque to grow at faster rates. That makes it more difficult for patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you suffer from diabetes, you’ll want to follow these simple tips to protect your beautiful smile.

Save Your Teeth with this List of Helpful Tips

1. Start by telling your dentist that you suffer from diabetes. It’s important that they are aware of all health conditions.
2. Maintain a healthy glucose level as best you can.
3. Continue to practice proper oral hygiene while at home. This includes brushing your teeth preferably after every meal or at least twice a day. Then, make sure you floss once a day, preferably before bed.
4. Visit your dental office twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. The dentist might even want to see you more often since you have diabetes.
5. Ask your dental hygienist to show you proper brushing and flossing techniques to keep your mouth clean.
6. Contact the dentist if you notice any issues with your gums or teeth.
7. Stay on top of treatments that are needed. Don’t allow little problems to become larger.
8. Make sure that you and your primary care doctor have your diabetic medicine under control. The right medicine can go a long way to helping you maintain a healthy smile.

If you have diabetes and are unsure of what steps to take, be sure to speak with us at our general dentistry in Mentor OH. Together, wecan ensure that your smile is protected for years to come.

What is Gum Lifting?

Gum lifting is otherwise known as gingivectomy. This cosmetic procedure improves the appearance of your smile by putting your gum line in the best position to show off those pearly whites. Here’s what our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH wants you to know about gum lifting.

Gum Lifting Procedure

The procedure itself is often done with other treatments such as crowns or veneers. The purpose behind a gum lift is to move the excessive or uneven tissue located around the teeth into a more symmetrical and proportionate look related to your teeth. This removes the instance of having what is referred to as a “gummy smile.”

The treatment is mostly painless and quick. Since the gum around your front teeth is the most visible of a smile, that is generally where the procedure takes place. The dentist reshapes the gum area with a soft tissue laser that effectively seals the blood vessels to minimize any bleeding.

After the Procedure

Because of the way the procedure is performed, there are no stitches involved and you’ll feel little pain. Within 24 hours of the procedure, you should be able to drink and eat like normal. Within a week, your gums should be healed completely.

If you do experience pain afterward, over-the-counter medications should alleviate the discomfort.

Keep in mind that the recovery time, when combined with other cosmetic surgeries, might be slightly longer. The dentist will advise you on what to expect. To ensure the best results, attend all follow-up appointments as requested. You’ll also want to abide by your dental hygiene instructions. This enables you to prevent future infections or gum recession.

All surgeries carry the possibility of risk with them. Before moving forward with any treatment plan, it is always important that you understand the procedure, risks and recovery instructions. Take the time to speak with your dentist in detail about how gum lifting surgery might benefit your smile. This simple, cosmetic procedure might be just what you were looking for to improve the appearance of your teeth. It’s simple, virtually painless and offers you years to enjoy a healthy, vibrant smile.

If you have any questions for our cosmetic dentist in Mentor, OH, please call Erieview Dental today at 440-357-1222.

Benefits of Composite Fillings

Dental fillings have been around for more years than one could count, but they sure have come a long way. Instead of those dark, metal fillings that once occupied the mouth, it is possible to have composite (white) fillings placed instead. This is great news for those who are self-conscious about their appearance and don’t want the world to know they have fillings. Here’s how to determine if you are a good candidate for composite fillings with the help of your general dentistry in Mentor, OH.

What is a Composite Filling?

Composite resins are free of metal. Our dentist blends shades of material to make a perfect blend that matches your natural teeth. Once the procedure is completed, you and your dentist will be the only two people to know that you have fillings in the mouth.

This filling type also supports your remaining tooth, which is an added benefit. It prevents your tooth’s structure from breaking due to temperature changes or wear. Small to medium-sized composite fillings have the potential to last up to ten years. This is equally as long as those metal fillings.

In addition to that, composite fillings mean that more of your tooth structure remains intact as compared to amalgam fillings.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Most patients make the ideal candidate for composite fillings.
· Those who are looking for an attractive and long-lasting option.
· Most patients that have a cavity.
· When fillings are necessary to prevent the tooth from falling out or breaking.
· Patients that suffer from sensitivity, pain or swelling from a cavity.

Most patients find that a composite filling is actually their best solution. In fact, many people are replacing their old, worn out amalgam fillings with composite fillings when the time is right.

There are a couple of downsides to composite filings that should be noted, although they don’t tend to outweigh the good.

· There can be a mild amount of pain after the composite filling has been placed. It is nothing that an over-the-counter pain reliever won’t take care of.
· Composite fillings are subject to stain from tea, coffee, and other substances. Make sure you care for your teeth properly to avoid this.

If you think that you are ready to move to composite fillings, be sure to speak with either Dr. Greenfield or Dr. Thomas at the next appointment you schedule at your general dentistry in Mentor OH, Erieview Dental. Call our office today at (440) 357-1222 to pick the best date and time for you.

Dental Insurance: What You Need to Know

Many companies offer dental insurance as a way to ensure their customers stay healthy. Insurance has become a very tricky thing, especially recently, so keeping up with the changes is something everyone must do. Having open dialogue with your insurance company is the best way to know what coverage you have and what you don’t. You must also understand the language associated with dental insurance, and how it relates to you and your plan. With a little research, you will be able to find great dental coverage that is affordable for you and your family.

Where Can I Find Dental Insurance?

Looking online is a good place to start. Your search query will be bombarded with insurance companies wanting to give you a quote online, but do your best not to click every link to give them your information until you know more. You should look for a dental insurance forum, or in-depth articles that lay out all the ins and outs of dental insurance. The insurance companies have their own language, like co-pays, premiums, deductibles, and other confusing terms. When you find good recommendations from reputable sources, talking to an insurance agent about the details of the policies they offer will give you the most insight as to what that insurance can do for you. Don’t buy the first one, talk to multiple representatives and take the best one.

Is It Expensive?

Dental insurance should be affordable for most people. A lot of companies offer dental insurance as part of their benefits package, so make sure and check with your employer, to see if they have a company they go through, and what policies they have. Some policies are going to be more affordable than others. Insuring 3-4 children that need braces is going to cost more than insuring a single adult.

One thing is for sure, having dental insurance is a great investment and health precaution. Sometimes, younger people with healthy teeth chose to opt out, however if an emergency occurs, they will be footing the entire bill. You should visit our dentist in Mentor, OH regularly to maintain and prevent issue, not only when it is too late and a problem has occurred.

If you already have insurance, and want to confirm that Erieview Dental is currently accepting it, please call our dentist in Mentor, OH at 440-357-1222 today!

Various Types of Teeth and Their Purpose

Teeth have many purposes from helping you chew your food to making it easier to digest. Each type of tooth in your mouth has a different job and shape.


These eight teeth are found in the front of the mouth. There are four on the bottom and four on top. They help you take bites from your food and are normally the first teeth a baby will get.


The four canines next to the incisor often look like fangs. They are your sharpest teeth and get used for tearing and ripping of food. They will appear in the mouth between 16 and 20 months.


These are often referred to as bicuspids and are used to grind or chew food. Adults have four on each side of the mouth. There are no baby premolars but the first set will arrive around the age of 10. After that, you can expect the second premolars in about a year. These will take the place of the first and second molars.


Molars are responsible for grinding and chewing food. The primary molars appear between 12 and 28 months but eventually are replaced by the first and second premolars.

The permanent molars won’t replace any primary teeth but come in behind them. This process starts around the age of 6 with the second set between the ages of 11 and 13.

Third Molars

The third molars are more often called wisdom teeth. They are the final teeth to make an appearance in the mouth. They don’t tend to erupt until the ages of 17 to 20. Some people will never get third molars. Others will find that they cause issues and need to be removed.

It is important that you never take your oral health or teeth for granted. Make sure you take the time to brush your teeth twice a day. You should also floss at least once. Eat a healthy diet and avoid smoking. See your dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. Remember, a healthy smile makes for a healthy body and life.

For high quality general dentistry in Mentor, OH, please call Erieview Dental at 440.357.1222to schedule your next appointment today.

Smart Snacks for Healthy Teeth

Sugary snacks are quite yummy, but they are bad for your body and your teeth. Indulging in cakes, cookies and candy can cause tooth decay. People who consume sugary snacks are eating various sugars all day including sucrose and fructose. In addition to that, the starchy snacks also break down into sugars in the mouth which lead to tooth decay.

What Sugar Does to the Teeth

Bacteria live in the mouth but some of this bacteria will form a sticky material called plaque on the teeth. Putting sugar in your mouth causes the bacteria to feed on the sugar and turn into acids. These acids will eat away the enamel on your teeth.

Smart Snacking

Before you start munching, ask yourself what is in the food. If it has a large amount of sugar, choose something different. If you must eat something sweet, do it after dinner instead of all day. Then, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste afterward.

Low-fat choices are your best option. Consider foods such as fresh fruits, whole-grain crackers or raw vegetables. Choose something from one of the basic food groups for your best option.

Low-fat choices like raw vegetables, fresh fruits, or whole-grain crackers or bread are smart choices.

Here are some more options for you:

·         Berries

·         Grapefruit

·         Melons

·         Broccoli

·         Celery

·         Carrots

·         Cucumbers

·         Whole-Grain bread

·         Unsweetened cereals

·         Tortilla chips (baked, not fried)

·         Pretzels (low-salt)

·         Pasta

·         Low or non-fat yogurt

·         Low or non-fat cheese

·         Chicken

·         Turkey

·         Pumpkin seeds

·         Sunflower seeds

·         Nuts

Remember to do the following:

·         Eat less sugary foods

·         Eat a variety of low-fat foods found in the basic food groups

·         Don’t eat sweets between meals

·         Brush with fluoride toothpaste after sugary snacks

Note to Parents

If you want to cut back on the amount of sugar your children are eating, it is up to you to change the habits. Cut back on the sweets that are offered in the home. Fill up your fridge and cabinets with healthy options that your children would want. Make sure that your child also visits Erieview Dental for Mentor OH dental cleanings at least twice a year to head off any problems that could arise.

The Right Toothpaste for You

When you go to the store, you see that they dedicate one side of an entire isle to all the toothpaste brands they sell. If you have a brand that you have stuck to, but have not had the best experience with, shopping through all these brands can be overwhelming. No one wants to waste time and money at the expense of their oral health trying out new brands.

Don’t hesitate - ask our Mentor OH dentist what you should use. We’ll happily tell you what the best brand is, what they use, and what is best specifically for your mouth. There are brands available for people with certain problems, like extra whitening for coffee drinkers, or toothpaste with ingredients that are easier on the teeth for people with sensitivity problems. Usually, you can read what the toothpaste advertises it to be and go from there. Most people recognize the classic name brands available. Any of these brands are great to use. But if you want to be serious about your oral wellness, you can dial in an accurate plan for your mouth. Doing this will give you a better experience with your oral care products.

What Are All These Different Ingredients?

Some ingredients are common in all toothpaste. Most will contain a mild abrasive that helps wash away bacteria and food particles. It also helps remove surface stains. Most will also contain fluoride, which remineralizes the teeth, and helps fight early tooth decay. You may see that your toothpaste contains potassium nitrate, which reduces tooth sensitivity. Stannous fluoride and triclosan help fight preliminary stages of gingivitis. Usually, whitening toothpastes will have more physical, silica abrasives that help remove more stains on your teeth. The ones that whiten sometimes also have a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which counteracts the damage that popular staining foods and drinks cause.

Knowing what is in your toothpaste is certainly a good thing. There are many natural ingredients that can help you achieve what you want with your smile. Toothpaste always evolves, so do not be afraid to explore the aisle at the store, because you now know what these ingredients are for, and what they do. Find what works best for you.

If you have any questions for your Mentor OH dentist, please call our office today at  (440) 357-1222

Prevent Oral Injury During Sports

There is no question about it, sports can often be dangerous. When enjoying your favorite activities, is important that you do everything possible to protect your teeth from injury.

Factors Used to Measure Risk with Sports Injuries

There are four categories that are generally used to measure the risk of injury.

·         Age – Most often the younger children will tend not be injured as often. Most of the time, sports injuries occur in the high school, collegiate or adult players.

·         Dental Anatomy – If the front teeth tend to stick out, often referred to as an “overjet”, it is more common that this person could experience a sports injury.

·         Gender – The difference between the two sexes isn’t huge, but men still seem to get injured slightly more than women from sports.

·         Activity – Sports can generally be categorized by low and high-velocity non-contact sports, collision sports and contact sports. These categories help to understand which ones offer more chances for injury.

Preventing Injuries to the Mouth

The first step toward having a healthy set of teeth is to take precautions to prevent injuries. There are several ways to tilt the odds that injuries will be less prevalent.

·         Mouthguards should be used whenever a sport is played that involves a ball, puck, stick or contact with others. They should be used during practice and the games.

·         Invest in a custom-fit mouthguard for the best protection. This can only be done by visiting your dentist.

Take good care of your teeth to ensure they are strong and healthy.

These aren’t the only actions you can take to prevent damage to your teeth during sporting events. There are other things that we do that damage our teeth and we often aren’t even aware. Avoid these items as well to protect your pearly whites:

·         Sugars from soft drinks and sports beverages

·         Smokeless tobacco

·         Illegal drugs

All of these tips, when used in conjunction with one another will help to protect your teeth even when you are engaging in your favorite sports. If you have more questions or concerns regarding mouth protection, be sure to set up an appointment with Erieview Dental, your top cosmetic dentist in Mentor, OH. Call our office today at (440) 357-1222 to schedule your visit.

How Often Should I Floss?

Ultimately, the answer to how often you should floss is: it depends. Not always the answer someone wants to hear when searching the internet for a definitive answer or solution. Ultimately, there are several answers!

Once, Every Other Day

If you have perfectly straight teeth (and wear a retainer to keep them this way) and you have great genes for mouth bacteria and plaque production, you may find that your dentist recommends only flossing once every other day.

It is important to note that you should only do this on your dentist’s recommendation. You cannot decide on your own that your mouth is the healthiest, most ideal environment for not needing daily flossing.

Until you get a green light from your dentist to reduce your flossing regimen, stick to the standard recommendation: once per day.

Floss Once Per Day

This is the standard recommendation for 90% of patients. Flossing daily ensures that all food particles and plaque are removed, disallowing bacteria to burrow into the tooth causing cavities and tooth decay. You will also stimulate the gums and ensure that there is healthy blood flow and circulation. This helps the gums stay firm – which is what healthy gums should be.

Since flossing once daily the go-to answer for most cases, the bigger question may be – when should I floss? You can floss in the morning, when your routine may be a bit more involved. However, flossing after your nightly brushing may be a better alternative.

When you sleep, you won’t be talking or drinking water or doing anything that might arbitrarily clear out food particles and bacteria. So, it is best to get the freshest mouth possible at night, just before bed.

Floss Twice Per Day

If you have crooked teeth or gingivitis, it is imperative that you floss once in the morning and once at night. This is important because if you have crooked teeth or gum disease, your mouse is more prone to cavities, tooth decay, and gum recession. Be sure to ask your dentist if you should be flossing twice a day.

The Rules of Flossing

Ultimately, there are three answers to how long you should be flossing. They are:

-          Once a day

-          Twice a day

-          Once every other day

If you keep up with your flossing schedule as recommended by your Mentor OH dentist (be sure to ask if you haven’t) you should experience fewer cavities, easier cleanings, and a healthier smile! Call today to schedule and appointment at Erieview Dental at (440) 357-1222

"4 Out of 5 Dentists Recommend" What This Rating Means

Most people have been watching a television show that breaks for commercials, and on these commercials, that would be advertising some dental product. In this product, the announcer would state that “4 out of 5 Dentists recommend” and enter the brand name. These types of commercials are going strong, ranging from new toothpaste on the market to sugarless gums that people can purchase. However, what does this mean?

The Statement "4 out of 5 Dentists" Explained by Your General Dentistry in Mentor OH

In all reality, the statement that 4 out of 5 dentists agree is just an average that the company is taking from a small sampling. The problem with this is that:

1. Your brain automatically thinks that the product, whether it be a toothpaste or gum, is going to come recommended by 90% of dental professionals.
2. This is what most advertisers want you to think. However, the reality is slightly skewed.

What Do You Do Next?

The question that many people wonder after knowing that this statement is often a bit less than what people thinks it means, is what they should do? Perhaps it is a new toothpaste that is promising wonders for your teeth. Do you use this or not? The best advice for those who see these dental products in which four out of five dentists recommend so to talk to your dentist. Your dentist is going to have:

1.    The best knowledge of your teeth and what is truly going to work for you.
2.    Whether this is something that you should consider.
3.    They may even have recommendations for the result that you are wanting with this new product, without having to resort to buying this new product.

Remember, your general dentistry in Mentor OH is the opinion in which you should trust. The commercials that state four out of five dentists recommend is not as informative as most people think!

To learn more and to see what we recommend to improve your smile, call Erieview Dental today at (440) 357-1222.

10 Things Every Dentist Wants Patients to Know

A dentist is just as important in your life as your doctor. Dentists can be one of the first people to notice that something may be wrong thanks to the looks of your gums and teeth. With this being said, there are several things that your dentist in Mentor OH wants you to know and remember.

What to Remember

  1. Brushing twice a day is going to keep the cavities away

  2. When you have a dental checkup, we check for oral cancer

  3. Gum disease is going to affect you overall health, not just your gums

  4. Dental checkups are a must!

  5. If you have bad breath it could be a serious problem

  6. Proper nutrition plays a huge role in your dental health

  7. Without treating dental issues, they are only going to get worse

  8. A root canal is not as painful as people say

  9. Be sure to change your toothbrush!

  10. It is easy to keep your teeth health with the help of a dentist

These ten aspects are often forgotten or ignored by patients. However, this could be one of the biggest mistakes that a person makes. Why is this?

Why Listen to your Dentist?

Did you know that everything your dentist tells you is for a reason? For example:

- Teeth that need to be flossed means that you could be increasing your chances of gingivitis

- Bad breath could mean you already have signs of gum disease

- Cavities can easily be fixed and could ultimately save your tooth!

A dentist’s main goal for patients is to ensure that they have the healthiest teeth and gums possible. When a person does not listen to their dentist, they are taking their own health in their hands. This could be disastrous. Many people find that if only they had gone to their dentist regularly, they could have avoided pain, costly procedures and the like.

Therefore, you must visit your dentist in Mentor OH routinely. Do not skip these appointments. This is the time that your dentist needs to spot problems and give preventive care! Call our office today at (440) 357-1222 to schedule your visit.

How to Prevent Acid Erosion

Tooth enamel is known to be the hardest part of the body. It is made of a semi-clear, hard outer layer that protects the teeth from wear and tear. Enamel is also responsible for protecting the tooth from the effects of extreme temperature from the cold or hot foods and drinks that you consume. Tooth enamel also fends off the chemicals and acids that may lead to damage of the teeth. 

What Causes Tooth Erosion?

Your teeth are more prone to decay and cavities as the outer shell erodes.  Damage to the outer layer of the teeth can be caused by the following:

●     Sweet Foods: Bacteria in the mouth usually thrives on sugars. This produces acid that can eat away at enamel.

●     Sour Candy: Sour Candy contains high levels of acid that can be harmful to your teeth.

●     Dry Mouth: Saliva aids in the prevention of tooth decay as it washes away bacteria and leftover foods.


How Do I Prevent It?

The best way to prevent tooth erosion is practicing proper dental care. This includes brushing twice daily, flossing, and regular dental appointments to our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH. Other measures include:

●     Reducing your intake of acidic foods and drinks

●     Rinsing your mouth with water after consuming acidic foods

●     Drinking soda and other acidic drinks through a straw

●     Drinking milk after meals or eating cheese to cancel out the acids

●     Drinking more water

Choosing Oral Rinses with Care

"Go wash your mouth out with soap!"  This expression dates to the 19th century and well into the 20th century, included in some of the most famous movies like "A Christmas Story." It had to do with punishing those guilty of such things as profanity, lying, verbal disrespect or quarreling, and tobacco use in young children. The idea was that the taste and after-taste of soap would serve as a deterrent to such actions.

While this old method of punishment isn't as commonly used, your general dentistry in Mentor OH, the American Dental Association, and others associated with the prevention of caries, or cavities, strongly urge the use of a therapeutic mouth rinse after brushing and flossing. While mouthwashes shouldn't be considered as replacement to the daily regimen of brushing and flossing, a therapeutic mouthwash helps in the control and reduction of plaque, gingivitis, tooth decay, and of course, bad 'morning breath.'

There are two main types of mouthwashes or oral rinses: cosmetic and therapeutic. The cosmetic types are merely breath fresheners with little power to combat plaque and tooth decay. Antiseptic mouthwashes help fight bad breath as well as kill germs that bring plaque and tooth decay. These are fine to use in conjunction with brushing, flossing and visiting your dentist for your routine dental check-up twice a year. Another option is using fluoride toothpaste while you brush and then swishing that toothpaste in mouth with plain water to rinse. It is the rinsing and ridding the mouth of the bacterial plaque that lies in hiding that matters.

There are countless types of mouthwashes that can benefit your smile - some that alleviate dry mouth, some that are simply to freshen your breath, and some that work together to battle tooth decay. Don't be afraid to ask our general dentistry in OH about the type of mouthwash you think you should use to help improve your oral and dental health!

Call our office today at (440) 357-1222 to schedule your routine dental cleaning.

Good Oral Hygiene is More than Brushing

Cosmetic Dentist in Mentor OH Shares Why Oral Hygiene is More Important than You Think

Maintaining a good oral hygiene is not only a part of personal care but also helps in preventing bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases. Maintaining good oral hygiene helps you keep your teeth when you get old, since some patients are more likely to suffer from tooth loss at a later age.

Tartar builds on the teeth over time, the teeth have an ability to self-clean the surface by the washing action of saliva. But often sticky food substance results in bacterial accumulation and formation of a sticky, colorless layer called the plaque. The plaque if not removed becomes hard by using calcium from the saliva and is referred to as calculus, which appears as yellowish hue on the tooth surface. As calculus forms between the tooth and the gum tissue, inflammation of the gum occurs which is known as gingivitis. As a result of this inflammation, the soft tissue or also called the gum tissue pulls away from the tooth surface forming a pocket which is infected with bacteria.

The brush often fails to remove the build up of calculus and hence ultrasonic scaling procedure is required which is the dental cleaning. Routine cleaning by brush only focuses on the tooth surfaces which are above the gum line. The scaling and root planing (smoothing the root surface) procedure removes plaque, tartar and bacterial toxins from surfaces below the gum line, hence clearing the pockets and allow healing of the gum tissue.

Scaling and root planing procedure are generally carried out without anesthesia, but sometimes to keep the patient comfortable, the dentist numbs the area before the procedure begins. Depending on the situation, the dentist may also apply fluoride as an oral medication to that area.

Without treatment continues to build up and release toxic waste products that can result in swelling and bone resorption. Scaling and root planing removes the source of infection and helps gum heal and tighten around the teeth and gives you back your healthy smile.

We want all of our patients, no matter what age, to have the best and healthiest smile they possibly can. And with the help of our cosmetic dentist in Mentor OH, we can do it! Call our practice today at (440) 357-1222 to schedule your appointment or consultation.

Low-carb diet: How does it affect your breath?

Painesville OH Dentist Offers Tips on Oral Health 

People are now more conscious about their fitness. This is why many are now into different types of diet to achieve the body that they want. One of the most popular diet that people follow is to cut their carb intake. Low-carb diet is a coveted meal plan that fitness enthusiasts follow but did you know that following suit this diet will give you bad breath?

What it low-carb diet’s effect on oral health?

While low-carb diet is deemed to be helpful in terms of minimizing tooth decay problems, this can also be the cause of stinky breath. How does this happen? Well, the Atkins diet, for instance, is a type of diet that limit carb intake to only 20 grams daily. If you are not familiar with this diet, this actually begins in a process called ketosis wherein your body will burn fats for fuel. Your body will then produce ketones as a side effect of the fat burning and turning into energy.

The ketones produced are usually not used by the body; hence, they are excreted through urinating and can also be exhaled by the lungs as a waste. Although study shows that this doesn’t harm your oral health, having a stinky breath can actually be annoying to some people.

What to do about it?

If you are in this type of diet but doesn’t want to suffer severe bad breath, you can minimize this concern through drinking plenty of water from time to time. The water will help dilute the ketones produced by the body, thus, the bad-smelling breath is weakened. Another tip to control the stench is to chew sugarless gum or having some mints with xylitol. This will neutralize the chemicals in your mouth that also cause bad breath.

Oral hygiene can make or break your societal relationship. After all, no one would want to talk or entertain someone with a stinky breath.


How quickly can a cavity develop?

The answer varies from person to person. This depends on the chemistry inside your mouth which includes oral hygiene, your diet, and the nature of your tooth and saliva. For some people, tooth decay can advance to a pulp in just a few months. For others, it can take several years. Learn more about the process and fighting back against cavities below with the help of our dentist in Painesville OH at Erieview Dental.


The process of tooth decay

Since enamel is a sturdy material, which doesn’t break down easily, it could take considerable time under certain circumstances for the bacterium to break this barrier. This process may take three weeks if you don’t have proper oral hygiene or 2 years if you have a bad eating habit.

In connection to that, tooth decay will only happen when dietary sugar and plaque are present at the same time. But with regular teeth cleaning and brushing, you can easily escape tooth decay. Why do you think this is so? Cavities will only form if and only if the plaques and sugar are both present for a longer period. If that’s the case, rinse or clean your teeth after consuming foods or drinks. Doing this prevents tooth decay from progressing.

Meanwhile, remineralization greatly helps in slowing down the tooth decay. It is a process which counteracts decay damage. As soon as this occurs, minerals in drinks, saliva, oral rinses, and foods fill the whole damaged area. After that, it starts reversing the tooth decay process.


Fighting the cavity!

Protect yourself from the disastrous tooth decay by following some basic rules.  First, brush your teeth regularly. Secondly, schedule your routine dental cleanings with our team.  It will help eliminate unnecessary plaque which brushing can’t just do. It is highly suggested that you do this every six months. Always practice good oral hygiene, and you’re ready to go!

Remember, no one is exempted from tooth decay. Even people with healthy-looking teeth might experience this dental problem. But if you want to spare yourself from the risks, schedule your consultation and routine cleanings with our dentist in Painesville OH by calling Erieview Dental at (440) 357-1222.

Foods to Avoid After Deep Dental Cleaning

Having sensitive teeth is expected after getting a deep dental cleaning. Nevertheless, this sensitivity will fade over time. Local anesthesia is injected around your gums during deep cleaning, and this results in numbness. You have to wait until this numbness goes away before eating food in order to avoid biting your tongue or lips.  

For a faster healing process of your teeth and gums, avoid some triggers of pain and sensitivity. As the best dentist in Painesville OH, we want our patients to take good care of your newly cleaned teeth by avoiding some of these foods:

Foods that can get stuck in your gums

Any food that has a high possibility of getting stuck in your gums such as chips, popcorn, nuts and foods that are chewy and sticky such as dried fruits and chocolates are not good for you while your teeth and gums are sensitive.

Acidic foods that may be harsh to your gums

Any food or drink that is high in acid like tomatoes, citrus fruits, pickles, fruit juice and red wine are harsh on your mouth after a deep dental cleaning. Spicy and heavily seasoned foods may also cause your mouth some discomfort.

Supersized foods that may be too big for your jaw

Foods like hamburgers will cause you to open your mouth wider. They may be too big for your jaw to handle and may cause you to exert more effort in biting/chewing. Avoid stressing your teeth while trying to heal.

You may eat what you can tolerate, but be kind to your oral cavity for the next 48 hours. Foods that are best for you are:

Foods that are easy to chew and swallow

Easy to chew and swallow foods aren't a challenge to rinse out. Eat foods such as soups, pasta, soft cooked rice, yogurt, eggs, banana, mashed potato, etc.

Make sure to drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and do not miss meals. Food and nutrition is important in fast healing.

Sensitive teeth after deep cleaning can be treated at home by watching the foods you eat. If you’re still feeling any discomfort or severe sensitivity after your deep cleaning, reach out to Erieview Dental at (440) 357-1222 to contact the best dentist serving Painesville OH and our team will happily assist you.

Long Term Effects of Bruxism

People suffering from bruxism are often subjected to short-term side effects of the said problem but often encounters more serious long-term issues.  For people with bruxism, it is very important that you seek dental help as soon as you experience the symptoms. Dive deeper with our Mentor OH dentist at Erieview Dental.

The short-term effects of bruxism are often taken for granted by many people. When ignored, these short-term effects that will lead to more serious problems in the future. Here are some of the short-term effects of bruxism:

  • Facial pain around the jaw and muscles around the face

  • Ear ache

  • Head ache

  • Tight and stiff shoulder

  • Swelling and receding gums

  • Sleep disruption

  • Sleep disruption caused by the sounds of teeth grinding and clenching

  • Can’t open the mouth fully

  • Too much tooth mobility


Long-Term Effects of Bruxism

Long-term effects of bruxism come when the short-term effects are not given remedies. People with severe bruxism often suffer from these issues:

  • Untreated Migraine: People who suffer severe migraines experience serious headaches due to severe teeth grinding.

  • Popping or clicking of the jaw joints: The clicking and popping sounds often occur when the jaw muscles are tight. Often referred to as lock jaw, people have difficulty fully opening their mouth.

  • Tooth loss and tooth wear: Teeth grinding can cause severe destruction as the upper and lower mouth move against each other back and forth.

  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: This is often caused by limited mandibular movement in the mouth. This sounds like the popping and clicking from the temporomandibular joints. This can become chronic and difficult to manage.

If the short –term effects are not treated right away, it will lead to more painful effects in the long run. It is best that you seek help from our Mentor OH dentist when the symptoms occur. This will not only help you treat bruxism, but it will also help you avoid tooth loss and teeth destruction. Call Erieview Dental at (440) 357-1222 to schedule your consultation today.

What Causes Gum Recession and How to Treat It?

When your gums begin to pull back or wear away from the roots, face the mirror, and you’ll notice how your teeth become longer.  They also become more sensitive. Receding gums is just a symptom of a gum disease, resulted from a functional and mechanical problem of your smile you need to address right away.  Let’s dive deeper with the help of our team at Erieview Dental:


Causes of Receding Gums

•    Poor Dental Hygiene: Your negligence of flossing and brushing your teeth could cause tartar and plaque buildup that sets the development stage of gum disease.

•    Use of Tobacco Products: Chewing tobacco and smoking could destroy your gum tissues and reduce your blood supply on the gums.

•    Periodontal Disease: An active infection in your mouth could terminate the supporting bone structures and tissues on your gums.

•    Genetics: There is an instance that the genes passed by your parents may cause the development of gum disease.

•    Wrong Way of Brushing: Brushing your teeth the wrong way could cause your tooth structure to wear down, which may also lead to receding gums.


Treatment for Gum Recession

Receding gums cannot be reversed, which means that the receded tissue in your gums will not grow back. Don’t panic! You can keep this from getting worse. The treatment will depend on the cause of the gum recession.  If it's because of poor dental hygiene or hard brushing, let our team know so we can begin helping you improve your daily dental routine by improving your flossing and brushing behavior.  Another helpful tool that may be recommended is mouth rinses that combat plaque and could help get rid of that plaque right between your teeth.

If the gum recession continues, our team may discuss our Painesville gum disease therapy with you in order to protect and strengthen your smile once more. To learn more about gum recession and our treatments for gum disease, call Erieview Dental at (440) 357-1222 today and our team will happily assist you in scheduling a consultation today.

Getting Ahead of Disease

Mentor OH Dentist Describes the Importance of Diagnosis and Prevention of Dental Conditions

Visiting a dentist regularly is important for many reasons. Our Mentor OH dentist diagnoses any conditions as soon as they happen and provide effective treatment. We educate patients on how critical it is to care for their smile each and every day to reduce the likelihood of conditions such as periodontal disease and dental caries. Keep reading to learn more from our team at Erieview Dental.

Periodontal Disease

Also known as gum disease, periodontal disease permanently impacts the gum tissue, bone, and natural teeth. This condition begins as an infection of the gums which causes shrinking soft tissues, bone, and even loose teeth. Periodontal disease cannot be cured, which is why it is crucial to keep it from developing in the first place. Treatment may include thorough cleanings at our office, scaling and root planing, or medication such as antibiotics to control and eliminate the infection. Periodontal disease can be detected during a physical evaluation at Erieview Dental.

Dental Caries

Dental caries, more commonly known as cavities, are holes that develop in the teeth which result in sensitivity and pain. When they become large and deep, they infect the dental pulp inside of the tooth and require a procedure called root canal therapy. Dental caries can be detected early enough for proper intervention and treatment with fillings, which is why regular six-month appointments are encouraged for patients of all ages. This allows our Mentor OH dentist to detect the problem and provide treatments.


Drs. Thomas and Greenfield of Erieview Dental are here to assist patients in and around Mentor, OH in addressing dental conditions which may negatively impact the smile’s health and beauty. Dental caries and periodontal disease are no laughing matters and need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Contact Erieview Dental today for an evaluation at (440) 357-1222 or by visiting one of our Mentor OH dentists personally at their office located at 9510 Diamond Centre Drive. We welcome new and existing patients into our practice for comprehensive dental care solutions.