What to Expect When Getting a Root Canal Done

The term ‘root canal’ is difficult to hear, even though they’re safe, effective, and popular solutions to dental problems. So why does this procedure make people nervous? With today’s technological advances in pain management, a root canal treatment in Painesville OH has never been safer or more painless.


Before the Procedure

            There isn’t much you need to do to get ready for your root canal. In some instances, you may need to avoid eating for some time before, and you may need someone to drive you home. In those instances, our practice will instruct you on what to do beforehand so you can be prepared.


During the Procedure

            During the root canal, you shouldn’t feel any pain at all. You’ll be able to sit back and relax as our office works diligently to correct your tooth. Root canals don’t usually take longer than an hour. Normally a local anesthetic is enough to make sure you don’t feel a thing.


After the Procedure

            Afterward, you might have a little discomfort from the root canal but you can easily manage that discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief medicine. Along with a pain reliever, applying an ice pack to your cheek is also acceptable to minimize inflammation and aching.

            Once you’re done with the procedure so long as you did not receive any kind of sedative you will be able to return to your daily routine, though it would be understandable if you took the rest of the day to relax.


Learn more about root canal treatments in Painesville OH by scheduling a consultation with our cosmetic dentist! You can book your next visit by calling our office at (440) 357-1222 or by filling out a contact request form directly on our site. We look forward to helping you get your healthiest smile!